Thinking about June made her think about the things they’d done at her

house, which made her face heat up so hot that she had to pretend to scratch

her head just so she could hide behind her arm in case Summer was looking

at her. She tried very hard to get thoughts of June in lacy panties and a black

lace bra out of her head, but that just made her think about June’s lovely

breasts and her shapely legs, her perfect…

Okay, stop. Eyes on the prize. I mean, eyes on something else. Think

about something else before you turn purple and Summer notices and turns

purple for a whole different reason.

“Are you—oh my God, are you guys hooking up?” Summer all but


Yup, she was definitely looking at my face just now.

“What makes you think that?” June asked casually.

“Uh, the fact that you’re, like, glowing. And she’s glowing! And, and,

you look like you just took a dive into a ball pit but instead of balls, the pit

is full of super cute puppies and they’re all licking you at once. You’re not

excited about baseball. It’s not that. Plus, she keeps cropping up. You could

have given that extra ticket to anyone.”

Arabella winced. Summer was being very detailed in her assessment

now. June popped another piece of popcorn into her mouth casually. “So,

you think that because I’m happy there has to be someone behind it.”

“Are. You. Two. Hooking. Up?” Summer growled.

“Nope. But we are dating.”

“What?” Summer’s yelp could probably be heard across the stadium.

She threw her hands up in the air, but she forgot she was holding a bag of

popcorn and it went up too. She managed to hold onto the bag, but popcorn

rained down all over the seats in front of them, which were mercifully still

empty because whatever poor souls had to sit there were probably still

getting herded in or getting snacks of their own.

Arabella sunk lower in her chair. She wasn’t cowering from Summer, but