June thrust hard, and a few seconds later, Arabella shattered around her.

Her channel clenched and tightened on her fingers, and she shuddered and

moaned as her climax hit. June pinched her clit, so aroused that it was more

than enough, and she exploded, her own climax detonating like a bomb

inside her while Arabella spasmed around her fingers. She kept pumping,

giving Arabella every bit of pleasure she could before the climax was over.

The waves of her own pleasure rocked through her

, nearly blinding her,

making her dizzy.

When it was over for both of them, even though June was more than a

few inches shorter than Arabella and built more petite, she pulled Arabella

into her arms and curled around her on her side, stroking the damp hair

away from Arabella’s temples. She nestled her chin in the crook of

Arabella’s shoulder and neck, damp with sweat, and listened to her lovely,

erratic breaths gentle out.

Chapter 14


Arabella breezed out of the house. Yes, breezed. It seemed like she was

floating down the steps and out to June’s waiting car. She was so excited for

their first real date that she failed to notice there was someone already

riding shotgun in the passenger seat. She didn’t actually see Summer until

she opened the door and scared the life out of herself.

“Oh. Sorry!” She flung a hand over her chest, sure she’d actually feel her

heart trying to tear out as it pumped rapidly.

“We might as well get the whole unpleasantness over here,” Summer

said. “Since June didn’t tell me you were coming, and she obviously didn’t

tell you I was coming.”

Arabella put on a smile and opened the passenger door behind Summer.

She slid in and did up her seatbelt. “That’s alright. I’ve never been to a

baseball game before. I think it’s going to be fun.”