“Some of the time, at any rate.”

“What percentage?”

Jos shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask for a percentage. That’s something you can negotiate into your contract, I’m sure. It’s my job to bring the offer to you and to get you to come sit down and hear more. If you do that, they’ll be happy, even if you turn them down in the end.”

“Or you’ll have lived up to your end of the bargain and you’ll get whatever’s in it for you?”

Jos blinked and pinned that bright blue stare on Eden so that she suddenly felt like she had to rub the dirty rubber part of her canvas shoe into the sidewalk. “Nothing’s in it for me except knowing the world will benefit from your work.”

“Let me guess. You see a young you in me.”

One blonde brow arched elegantly. “Not at all. We’re not one bit the same,” Jos said coolly, and in that, at least, she was being totally honest.

Eden pretended that it didn’t sting.

“Meet me tonight at nine and I’ll prove it. I’ll do one better than that. I’ll give you a list of reasons that will make it clear that this is an offer you can’t refuse.” Jos pulled a card out of the pocket of her blazer and handed it over, then spun on her five-inch stiletto heels and walked briskly down the sidewalk, leaving Eden to gape after her.

Damn it, Eden had hoped for the last word, but Jos had taken it without so much as raising a finger or expending the slightest bit of effort.

Eden stared at the card, which had the name of a pub on it. Not what she expected at all. She should toss the card in the nearest trashcan and forget all about her meeting and that silly offer, where all the good parts were probably fabricated, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Eden had always said that she wanted to change the world. She wanted to do everything she could to make that happen. She felt a sense of obligation and duty all over again, and it was with a defeated sigh that she watched Jos stride down the sidewalk and turn the corner out of sight.

Eden already knew where she’d be at nine that evening, but that didn’t mean she had to like it one bit.

Chapter 4


The pub was busy. She hadn’t been to the little hole in the wall in years, but she wasn’t surprised to see it had changed as much on the inside as on the outside. She still kept a stack of those business cards handy, as though she ever had to meet with clients or sources anymore. She’d driven by the block at least once a week for as long as she could remember, assuring herself that the old meeting spot was still there, hadn’t changed its name, and that the cards were still valid. She’d watched as it changed over the years. It had gone through two facelifts on the exterior, changing its brick façade to a smooth stucco that was white, then black. The sign changed three times, but the name stayed the same.

The interior wasn’t a dive bar now. The wood plank floors weren’t original. They were made to look old, hand scraped from a box. The bar and tables were new, not worn or old or pitted. The whole thing felt disingenuous and fake, but she figured that was perfect because she was lying.

She had no idea how she’d convince anyone to let Eden choose any stories, but if that’s what it took, she figured she could put the right words in the right ears. Someone who wasn’t her, likely everyone above her, stood to gain a lot from the bonus Eden Rutherford’s parents would send their way. What was a few stories here and there until the little tartlet forgot all about her original plans to save the world? It would mean nothing to Sheldon, Alden, David, or Jim.

Jos ambled up to the bar, smoothing down the dark edges of her brunette wig. It gave her a small thrill to don clothing she didn’t normally wear. Her pub meeting disguise included a set of black boots that went over her knees, short black dress, and an oversized black blazer. The last time she did this almost felt like another lifetime ago.

She ordered a gin and tonic, the one alcoholic drink she’d allow herself tonight because she had driven herself again, parking blocks and blocks away to hide her car. The one that stood out like a sore thumb, as Eden had pointed out earlier.

Everything she said about me was right.

Jos took a sip of the drink, letting the bitter dryness work away the foul taste in her mouth. She had no one to blame for the truth sticking her between the ribs like daggers except herself. She knew that, but it still rankled. It felt a lot like Sandra’s many arrows which had left their mark despite Jos’ seemingly impenetrable armour.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d have to wait. She’d wait all night if that’s how long it took. She was going to save her damn job because it was the one thing she had left. The one thing she couldn’t live without, no matter how pathetic and even dirty she’d felt after her conversation with Eden earlier.

She’d lied when she said that Eden didn’t remind her of her younger self.

The door to the pub opened and Jos recognized Eden’s tall, lithe form. She’d recognize her long black hair anywhere. The piercing dark eyes, dark as coals. She was the furthest thing from what Jos had imagined.

And fuck, her beauty was so breathtaking, it was like a sucker punch.

Jos’ fingers pulsed against the cold glass in her hand. She wanted to run them through that waterfall of raven black. She wanted to run the strands between her fingers and let the smoothness glide over her skin. She wanted to know what scent Eden wore at the pale column of her neck. What fragrance was trapped in that gossamer hair. Lily? Lilac? Coconut? No, too simple. Something complex and manufactured.

She swallowed down the absurd thoughts and moved quickly, gliding through the pub, passing by tables. She grasped Eden’s upper arm around over the sleeve of her sheer black blouse and pulled her to the corner before she could react. When she did, it was glorious, her eyes swinging with fear and shock to Jos’ face.

She relaxed as soon as she reali

zed it was her and Jos dropped her arm without ceremony and sunk into a seat at the table. The chairs were new too. They were stained dark, hard wooden things with edges that pressed in uncomfortably.