“That’s what I said.”

Jos expected surrender. Capitulation. Tears. Instead, when Eden reached for her clothes, she threw them to the ground and lifted both brows in challenge. “If this is the last time, then I’m not leaving until it’s a good one.”

Jos rolled her eyes. “So greedy.”

“For both of us.”

Chapter 12


That was two orgasms that Jos gave her and tried to chase her away after. Eden wasn’t going to let her do it this time. She wasn’t going to let this be the last time either, but she wasn’t going to discuss that with Jos right now. She clearly wasn’t in the right frame of mind, and she wasn’t ready. She was holding herself at bay, holding herself back, when she clearly wanted Eden.

She wasn’t imaging it. Eden knew she wouldn’t get any answers if she asked Jos why. She wasn’t going to seduce her either. She wasn’t going to take anything from her. She wanted to give her something back. Something she clearly needed. She just wanted to make Jos feel good and she wasn’t leaving until she did.

Not because she cared about fairness. Well, she did, but it wasn’t just that. It was that Eden just cared. Period. She couldn’t say why. Couldn’t even say how far that care extended or what it meant, but it was there, and she couldn’t let it go or drive it out of herself like she’d tried for the past few days when she’d been angry and hurt at being chased away.

Before she realized that Jos chased people away for a reason.

That nursery hidden away was just one of many reasons, she was guessing.

“I don’t think you know what you’re saying. You need to put on your clothes and go.”

Eden faced Jos with more determination than courage. She crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn’t embarrassed that she was naked and Jos wasn’t. She wanted to rectify the situation. “And if I don’t?”

“Don’t be childish,” Jos huffed.

Eden practically purred. “Childish is the last thing I’m being.”

She grasped Jos and pulled her in, kissing her hard. Brutally. Kissing her with all her energy and furious intent, all her softness, might, strength, and surrender. She kissed all her contradictions into Jos and, as she expected, she softened just a little, but it was enough.

Eden let out a growl of hunger that was magnified somewhere in Jos’ throat when she made a sound of desire that filtered straight through Eden’s bloodstream to the needy spot between her legs. She’d just had a mind-blowing orgasm, but she wanted more. She wanted so much more.

She backed Jos until her legs were against the bed. She arched against her, tearing at her clothing. There was no going slow. And Jos wasn’t telling her to leave. She wasn’t pushing away her hands. She was fumbling with her clothes too. It gave Eden a momentary thrill when she realized Jos wanted this every bit as much as she did.

The lights were still on. Eden thrilled at that too.

Her skirt went next. Her pumps were kicked off. Her blouse. She was wearing a lacey camisole underneath that Eden wanted to sink her teeth into and shred apart. She’d never had urges like that before, but she was having them now. Instead, she grasped the hem and yanked it over Jos’ head. Her bra came next, torn away by both of them, and then her panties followed. Eden tugged them down Jos’ legs so hard that she made another noise. Eden liked those noises. She licked them off Jos’ lips and tucked them away to savor later.

She grasped Jos in her arms, and they fell on the bed together. Eden wasn’t dumb enough to think she’d end up on top, but she’d pushed Jos backwards and Jos had grabbed her when they fell. She was momentarily there, but of course Jos spun, taking that from her. Honestly, Eden didn’t care. She wanted Jos so badly that she was willing to take her however she could get her.

Jos arched against her, and Eden arched up, pressing their hips together. She ground on instinct, and Jos straddled her, bearing down. She was wet. Fuck, she was soaking. Eden hissed at the warmth of her skin meeting her own.

She reached up and guided Jos’ breast, a perfect globe that filled up her hand with a nipple that was already hard, to her mouth. She didn’t suckle gently. She bit down, using her teeth, until Jos cried out.

Eden tucked her hand between them, fitting herself between Jos’ legs. She found her clit, which was as hard as her nipples, and gave it one hard flick. She imagined going further, further than what they’d done in front of that mirror. Further than anything she’d ever done with anyone. She’d never been into the whole spanking or strapping thing, but with Jos, she thought she might be. She imagined that sting of pain mixed with the fierce pleasure after, and she nearly came even though she was the one with her hand between them, plying Jos.

She pinched Jos’ nipple with her other hand. “Is this good?” Eden panted. “Is this what you like?”

“It doesn’t matter what I like,” Jos ground out. “Don’t stop.”

“Is that a yes and you just don’t want to tell me?”

“If I didn’t like it, would we be doing this right now?”

“I don’t know. You hold yourself pretty distant from everyone. I think you did want this, but you were going to try to get me to leave all the same.”

Jos let out a harsh bark of laughter. “Very perceptive. I think you might have more brains than I gave you credit for.”