done the few dishes, washed out the fridge even though it

appeared clean, gave the kitchen a wipe down, and had swept

all the rooms on the lower floor.

It was probably obvious that she was getting bored.

Adalynn had been outside helping with construction or filming

it, and when she’d come in and found Cassia baking cookies

for the construction crew, it was pretty obvious she needed

something else to occupy her time.

At least Adalynn had taken that as a sign.

To her, maybe baking cookies was something that people

did when they were bored. It wasn’t because they actually

wanted to eat cookies.

Cassia had yet to see Adalynn do one single domestic thing.

She didn’t appear to know how to cook. Putting two pieces of

bread together and pouring a glass of wine couldn’t be

considered cooking. Cassia could have thrown something

together for them, but that would have felt too familiar and too

intimate, so she never did.

She had to remind herself every day that she was just here

to do a job. That was it. Pay Adalynn back with her ti

me and

her labor. She knew she could never hope to work off the

crazy amount the hospital bills probably came out to, but she’d

do her best to make herself useful. She wasn’t sure what

Adalynn thought she was getting out of the deal in exchange.

It didn’t seem like much. Surely, she could have found

someone else to clean, bake, paint her house, and mow her

lawn all for much cheaper.

Cassia stepped down the huge wooden stairs. She kept her

hand at the railing, relishing the smooth woodwork under her