She knew she was lying. Honestly, she hated what she was

doing. She’d been able to save up a good amount in tips, but

she knew it still wasn’t enough to get her to another city, to

pay for a place, and to pay for college. She’d probably have a

hard time finding another job, so there would be months when

she wasn’t working, even if she found college classes to do

online to free up her time.

Summer snorted. “If by each minute unbearably dragging

by filled up with the same drunk assholes who—” Her words

were cut off by a shrill cry.

Cassia was looking at Summer, so she didn’t have time to

brace for the impact. Her head jerked up at the scream. She

saw a flash of green through the windshield and the swipe of

glaring lights, and then something slammed into them so hard

that the breath punched out of her lungs. Her head jerked back

and then an ungodly scream that didn’t come from a human

throat. It came from metal meeting metal, twisting, breaking,

tearing. Glass rained over Cassia, hitting her face and bare

arms, stinging like a thousand angry insects, burning like

tendrils of wicked flame.

The world rolled, spinning out of control. Her vision

blanked and all she saw was black. She felt the twisting, the

turning, the spinning, and then everything stopped. She was

suspended, hanging in mid-air. She tried to peel her eyes open,

but they were too heavy. She felt warm. Warm and wet and

sticky. Her body was on fire, burning like someone had torn

her open and sewn lit matches under her skin. She tried to

whimper, but no sound came out. Everything was silent except

for the slow, sluggish whomp of her heart and an insidious hiss

drifting through walls of twisted metal and broken glass.