Summer giggled even though that certainly wasn’t funny.

“How do people manage to get to their weddings in that


Egan started the car from the driver’s seat. Of all the guards,

he fell into the stern, silent type category. He’d take them both

home, dropping Summer off first, then Cassia, since she lived

the furthest away from the Strip, probably all without uttering

a single syllable.

“I got it out of one guy that the wedding isn’t for a few

weeks. He’ll have time to recover.” Cassia rubbed the bottom

of her sticky heel on the plastic car mat. She shuddered when

she felt the catch and grab of whatever goo was imprinted on

the sole. She couldn’t wait to get home and shower off the feel

of all those drunk men pawing at her all night.

“Yeah, in a hospital bed, barely conscious. Good God, how

can someone drink so much without puking?”

“Maybe he did, and we just didn’t see it. I didn’t keep tabs

on him all night.”

Summer finally slid her seatbelt on, like an afterthought.

Cassia always put hers on immediately. The lights of the Strip

flashed by the windows, and even though it was nearly four in

the morning, there were still people out, the crowds much

thinner, most of them walking stilted or tottering on towering


“Look at them.” Summer didn’t need to point. She knew

Cassia had seen. “Sometimes, I hate this city.”

“You were born here, though.”

Summer rolled her eyes and flipped back her long, blonde

hair. Her roots were always dark, her eyebrows too, so it

wasn’t her natural color, but it suited her. It was thick and she