“You have my number. If you’re ever in trouble, real

trouble, or if you ever need help or just someone to talk to, use


Cassia snorted. “So, you’ll give me your number, but not

yourself. How very liberating of you. I guess that’s supposed

to protect me too?”


“No. I don’t want to hear how you want to spare me or

protect me or save me. I don’t need to be told what’s right for

me and my own body. I wanted this with you, but not

anymore.” She made a sound deep in her throat and Adalynn

finally turned. Cassia was doing her best to be brave, to

control the emotion that welled up in her eyes and showed on

her face like the cracks of a shattered mirror. Cassai dropped

her gaze as soon as Adalynn met it. “Thank you for, uh,

helping me know that this is what I want, I guess. I wish we

could have done more, but I’ll always think of you as my first.

I know you’re trying to be kind and I’m sorry that I was mad.”

Adalynn’s throat closed up and it was impossible to get

anything out past the massive lump there. She bit down hard

on her bottom lip and nodded.

Cassia walked to the table, picked up her purse, and tucked

the scrunched-up piece of paper inside. She gave Adalynn a

forced, fragile smile that contained none of her golden, radiant

light, then smoothed her blouse again, tugged at her skirt, and

walked out of the room.

The door closed behind her with the tiniest of clicks.

Adalynn hoped against hope that one day Cassia would call.

That one day she would need her. That one day she herself

would be able to answer that call and be brave enough to tell