“No,” Adalynn whispered. “I’m not brave enough. There

are so many things I want. More than just to be out, to date

women. I…” Her bow lips pressed together, the pillowy

bottom lip trembling just a fraction before she sunk her teeth

into it to keep it still. She couldn’t tell Cassia what she wanted,

but her eyes were dark, and it made Cassia’s heart beat fast.

“There’s a balance that everyone has to have, no matter who

they are.”

Cassia didn’t understand what Adalynn meant. The

conversation had shifted, going somewhere dark, a path Cassia

couldn’t manage to follow.

“You’re braver than I was,” Adalynn said in the face of her

silence. “You got out. Gave up everything. You had something

good, at least on the surface. You would have been taken care

of, even if it made you unhappy. You gave that up because you

wanted to live life on your own terms. Because you couldn’t

put yourself in a box forever. I wasn’t brave enough to save

myself. I had to let someone else do it. We’ve lived the

opposites of each other, but I feel like we’re still the same.

Connected somehow. Like we both tried to tell fate or destiny

or whatever it was that it couldn’t have its way with us. Now

we’re both here. I want to be brave this time. Braver.”

“You call it brave, but it didn’t feel that way. I never thought

of it like that. But I want to keep being brave, if that’s what

you say it is,” Cassia whispered before she could swallow the

words. What she wanted was the very thing she’d always seen

as a weakness, something to be feared, something that wasn’t

normal and didn’t fit in the carefully constructed world she’d

been raised in. She wanted that to be her strength. She didn’t

want to be an escort who faked happiness and pleasure for