placid face. Used to being meek and obedient. She hated it, but

she could turn her training around, at least learn how to use it

to her advantage. Not that she felt she had to do that with

Adalynn, but it was good training for the future. If she was

going to continue to be an escort she didn’t want any details of

her personal life creeping into what was now her professional


“Did you have good parents?” she asked.

Adalynn was obviously more experienced at controlling her

emotions, but something sharp and dark flickered in her eyes.

Her drink from the lounge was finished and she tossed the

wine from the tiny bottle in and sipped at it. “No. I never knew

my dad. Doubtful that my mom knew who he was either. She

was a drunk. Straight up. I was the one who took care of her

most of the time.”

“Fuck.” The word came out without thinking. Cassia was

surprised at herself. She didn’t swear. Ever. Adalynn didn’t

seem surprised.

“Yeah.” She tossed back her wine, finishing it in a long

gulp. “That pretty much sums it up.”

“How did you get into photography?”

Adalynn sighed. She shifted her legs, arranging them neatly

under the sleek black dress she wore. It was simple, but

elegant, and outlined her body in the kind of classy detail that

would leave mouths hanging open in her wake. “That’s a

longer story, but I’ll give you the short version. The school I

went to was trash. Inner city, underfunded, rough. But it had a

dark room, and I took a photography class. I was hooked. I

stole one of the cameras. I loved using film, since the whole

dark room experience was so amazing. It was probably the one