she left the lounge. Her heels clicked across the tile floor until

she was back on a carpeted strip between a bank of silver


As she went up to the fifth floor, she tried to swallow down

the thick lump that had lodged there. It wasn’t fear or anxi


and it wasn’t quite nerves either. Her palms were still damp

when she reached the door with the matching number on the

key card. She swiped it into the lock and waited for the green

light to flash before she pushed the door open.

The room was tidy, done in whites and grays and golds.

There was a queen bed with a fluffy white comforter, a huge

picture of a tree in black and white above it, a black desk and a

black side table with two black and chrome chairs.

Cassia didn’t get further than that. Her eyes were

immediately drawn to Adalynn, who sat in one chair, the drink

from the lounge in front of her. She said nothing, but she did

look up. Her eyes were an inferno, so hot and sharp that they

cut right through Cassia, and she had trouble catching her

breath again.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet up here. I just…I have…

people think I’m a certain person. No, that’s not right either.

I…” For someone who talked so openly a few nights ago,

Adalynn seems completely flustered.

It was oddly warming, and since Cassia didn’t want to stand

over her, she pulled out the opposite chair and sunk down. It

was hard and uncomfortable, but she barely noticed. She bit

down on her bottom lip and studied the faint pink blush on

Adalynn’s carved porcelain cheeks.

She was a work of art, like a woman who had stepped out of