believe how she’d just pulled up a chair, sat, and told Cassia

those things so confidently when she could barely converse

with the people who were closest to her. Maybe it was easier

telling a stranger.

Maybe she truly did see herself in the younger woman. Or

was she recognizing something that she wanted, something

that she could no longer deny? Was there something deeper,

elemental, earthy and right pulling her towards the woman?

She was empty. Lonely. Was it just that she was so tired of

being an empty vessel, waiting to be filled, that she couldn’t

help herself? No, it was more than that. It had to be more than


Adalynn kept checking sites, looking for Cassia’s name,

hoping to see her face. Why hadn’t she asked for her number?

Why hadn’t she had the courage to ask if she was willing to

talk somewhere else? She should have asked for the name of

her agency. She shouldn’t have cared about how indiscreet it

would have been, how stupid and pathetic it might have come

off as.

She did realize that she had to be careful, and her hand

trembled, her fingers pausing in their relentless movement

over the screen. The world knew her as one person. She could

bear it if she went down, caused a scandal, if people hated her

and ridiculed her. She could live with it.

Jim was right. She had lots of money. Pierre had left her

everything, plus he had life insurance when he passed away.

She had more money than she knew what to do with, a

lifetime’s worth. But he had left it to her, believing she’d care

for it. For his legacy. He’d trusted her. It wasn’t just her

reputation she’d be jeopardizing, but his too, and he wasn’t