made a connection? The love of gossip was one thing, but it

was a leap to say she preferred women just because she stayed

at a friend’s house, one who also happened to be a lesbian.

She thought there would be room for her to grow in her

marriage and have new experiences. She’d never had a

relationship in the past. She was artsy, young, bouncing from

experience to experience. She’d slept with both men and

women. She was doing what young people did. She had lived

in LA. It wasn’t like that sort of thing was frowned upon. She

hadn’t been raised in a strict home with parents who had

steadfast morals. She’d been brought up by an acholic mother

who was too drunk to know where she was half the time and

didn’t actually care in her sober moments either. Adalynn had

been more the mother than the child.

Adalynn reached for the carrot stick she hadn’t eaten and

nibbled at it, even though it was dry and virtually tasteless.

She had so many regrets about the past, but that couldn’t be

changed. She’d done what she had done, and she couldn’t

undo it. She was thirty-one, which was still young. She had

her whole life to be who she wanted to be.

Could she do it? Could she stand up to the media, to all the

people who would demand answers, to the many, many people

who would be furious and outright hate her if she came out

after being married for ten years to a man who people adored?


Despite her morose thoughts and the brutal clench of

anxiety in her belly, she found herself reaching for her bag and

digging out her phone. How many agencies could there be in


Lots. Far too many for you to find her, Adalynn’s inner voice taunted her, but after a glance over her shoulder to