much. He understood all the same and lost his petulant, prima

donna expression.

“How long are you staying in Vegas?” Jim asked but didn’t

wait for an answer. “You’re probably flying out the next day,

eager to get off to whatever you’re doing next. We’re all busy.

I understand.”

Adalynn reached for a carrot stick, but she toyed with it

instead of eating it. She let herself openly peruse Jim’s face.

He looked older than when she’d seen him last, over a year

ago. The lines around his eyes and mouth were more

pronounced. He was fleshier in the jaw and neck. He was

grayer at the temples. Physically, he was still as fit as ever. He

was built tall and wiry. His job was physically demanding, and

she knew he sacrificed for it and endured discomfort on a daily

basis. He could literally go for days without food and just a

single bottle of water, go for hours without moving a muscle if

it meant getting that perfect shot. She’d heard he was also

willing to roll himself in dung and other not so nice things in

order to mask his scent. She wasn’t sure those rumors were

true, but she wouldn’t put it past him.

“I’m not so busy, actually. I’ve scaled back these past years.

I don’t think it’s bec

ause people don’t want to hire me now

that I’m flying solo. Do you think it’s possible to burn out? To

get tired of constantly moving around?” For some reason, she

recalled Cassia’s question from the night before. About where

home was.

She’d been trying not to think about the ethereal blonde

beauty all day. It was bad enough that she’d slept terribly the

night before because she couldn’t get the other woman’s wide-