Cassia thought of her sisters. They had been biddable and

meek when they were told to marry men they hardly knew.

They’d done their father’s bidding without question. Sofia was

as happy as she could be given that her husband had been

virtually a stranger when they married. She had a one-year-old

daughter who she adored, and Cassia privately thought that

Isobel was the source of all her sister’s happiness.

Anna was married a year after Sofia. Her husband was a

capo of a family allied with her father. Anna hated the man

because he was cruel and controlling. He didn’t care what she

wanted, didn’t expect her to have interests or actual emotions.

It was probably a blessing that Anna’s husband was often so

busy with his work.

Cassia wanted to speak, to show her father that she was

strong, but all she could do was nod. Her throat was closed up

so tight that it was impossible to swallow. Her mouth was

suddenly bone dry and she wished her father had offered her

some of his brandy. She could have used the fortifying warmth

the drink would have given.

“You will marry Vincent. Next month. It’s all been arranged.

He’s the son of our enemy, that much is true, but that’s all the

more reason we need this marriage. It will bring our families

together. Ensure peace. Bring about many new business


Cassia stared blankly at her father. At the man who was

supposed to love and nurture and protect her. She was only

nineteen. There were so many things she wanted to do with

her life. Now it was clear why her father had never talked to

her about college after her graduation less than a year ago

from the private school she and her sisters had all attended. He