now. I wanted to forget about all the reasons I miss him.”

“I’m sorry,” Cassia said automatically, but she meant it too,

because Adalynn suddenly looked lost. Not sad. Her face

didn’t betray her emotion. Cassia was jealous because she

hadn’t mastered that skill yet.

Adalynn shrugged. “I never loved him. Not in that way. I

loved him as a person. As a mentor. As someone I looked up

to. He was my best friend, but he never…he never knew that

part of me.”

“What’s part?” Cassia asked. She truly wanted to know, but

Adalynn just smiled and shrugged.

“I’ve changed my mind. About getting drunk. It wouldn’t be

good for the lectures and the workshops I have to give


“About photography?”

“You were listening. Very good. Yes, about photography.

That’s what I do. That’s what we did. Together. Now it’s just


“You don’t live here?” Cassia realized they were in a hotel


“No. Just here for the conference for a few days.”

“Where do you live?”

Adalynn lifted a shoulder and let it fall casually again.

“Here and there. I don’t have anything permanent right now. I

was thinking about New York.”

“No!” Cassia hissed. “Not there. It’s so…so…it’s where

everyone goes. Surely there’s somewhere else?”

Adalynn seemed amused by that. “Okay. So maybe not New

York. It is the place everyone goes. I was also thinking maybe
