things at school, and when I was in Vegas, well, I heard all

kinds of things there. I’m not on social media because I value

my privacy too much. In school I saw all the drama that came

from it, heard all those terrible things. There are tons of good

things too, like this. People spreading positive messages, but I

/> know all the hateful comments are going to come pouring in.

All the judgement from screen warriors or keyboard warriors

or whatever they’re called. People who just sit there and bully

others online because it’s easy and empowering for them in

some sick way and because they can. Aren’t you terrified of

that? Of seeing it and reading it? Could you turn the comments


Adalynn had gone over all those concerns herself before she

posted the video. “I could have,” she admitted, “but I felt like

that would have been taking the easy way out. I know people

won’t hold themselves accountable, and I didn’t put this up

there for debate, but I felt that turning off the comments wasn’t

the right thing to do. Yes, I’m scared there will be nasty people

who don’t know how to regulate themselves. No, I don’t want

it to be a breeding ground for hatred. I do hope it brings

awareness and help for the people watching who need it. I

hope that by hearing it, someone else can be inspired. Maybe

in the comments, people can ask for help if they need it.

People could support each other or make contacts. I’ve done

that myself over the years. I know there’s a lot of crap to wade

through, but there are a few gemstones too. I just hope I didn’t

put you in a bad position.”

Cassia blinked. “Me?” She was stunned. “Why me? Like I

said, you’re the one who lives here. I could leave. I could just

pack my bags and go anywhere I want. You’re the one who