was beating so hard. Her hands were fisted and when she

uncurled them, they were so slick she had to wipe them on her

jeans. She felt physically sick, and it was hard for her to turn

around and see the pain on Adalynn’s face.

She didn’t feel responsible for what was happening, but she

did feel awful. She was worried about Adalynn. Worried she

would be torn to shreds, that she would be outed and tested

before she was ready. That people would turn on them and that

they would be victims of other people’s ignorance and hatred.

Cassia hadn’t bought the house. She didn’t have to stay and

live there and face it, but short of selling, Adalynn did. Cassia

didn’t want that for her. She didn’t want Adalynn to have to

sell the house that she’d finally settled in. The house she’d

already poured so much effort and love into. She didn’t want

her to be chased off like that.

“Adalynn…” Cassia whispered after she walked back to the

house and stepped up the crumbling set of stairs to get in. She

shut and locked the door behind her. Because she didn’t know

what to say to Adalynn’s glassed over expression, she asked

the last thing she wanted to ask. “What are you going to do?”

“The only thing I can do.” Adalynn’s voice was flat, her

voice like the placid surface of a pond, devoid of even a ripple

of emotion to betray her feelings. She was walled up, closed

up tight, and Cassia was afraid she was already starting to

fight a losing battle.

Cassia knew she had to fight for Adalynn, even if all the

fight looked like it had gone out of her. She had to help her.

She should have been gentle, but her words came out with

more passion and force because of the upset she’d just
