sorry? You’re an abomination, that’s what you are. You aren’t

natural. You and her!” He pointed behind Cassia, towards the

house where Adalynn was standing.

His words shocked and stung her. She felt whipped by them,

flayed open, left vulnerable and bleeding. Her eyes misted

over, but she refused to cry over someone else’s prejudiced

hatred. The world was full of people who had that opinion, but

she couldn’t let that make a difference in being proud of who

she was. She knew that as many people who harbored hatred

for people who weren’t in what they saw as a regular

relationship, there were so many others who believed in equal

rights for everyone, no matter what their orientation. There

were people who changed their mind all the time too. People

could learn, they could be sorry, they could move forward. She

knew she would be tested many times throughout her life and

how she reacted was on her.

“I don’t believe that,” Cassia said calmly. “I don’t think

there’s anything wrong with love. If you feel that way, maybe

you should keep that to yourself. It would be a lot easier to

work together if we could get past whatever opinions we

might have of each other and be friends.”

“Friends? I don’t think so. What you’re doing is wrong. I’m

not working for a couple of lesbians.” He grabbed his lunch

pail again. “I can promise you that the whole town will know

about this by morning. I’m going to start with calling each and

every single member of the crew and letting them know who

they’re working for. Don’t be surprised if no one shows up

tomorrow morning.” He turned, satisfied with his last, hurtful

words, and stormed out of the yard.

Cassia’s heart was going to breach her ribs at any second, it