care one bit. She was happy and she was playful. If she wanted

to dance, that was more than fine with Cassia. She liked this

new, carefree, fun, flirty side of Adalynn. Watching her come

alive like this was so much better than seeing her bent over her

computer, working away at all that editing. It was even better

than seeing her focused behind the camera.

“Are you going to join me?” Adalynn asked when Cassia

didn’t immediately take her hand.

Cassia pretended to be put out as she switched off the water.

“If you insist. I suppose the dishes can soak for a few


“They certainly can. There isn’t anything like dancing off

beat with someone who is sweaty and smelly from a day of

working outside.”

“If you mean me, I don’t think I smell.” Cassia raised her

arm and sniffed at her t-shirt.

Adalynn laughed, her nostrils flaring in a near snort because

it was the rolling kind of belly laughter that bubbles up straight

from the pit of the stomach. “No, I meant me.”

“Oh, I see. In that case, I guess I can’t be offended.” Cassia

sniffed at herself again. “But maybe I do stink. The natural

deodorant I have only goes so far. It probably melts right off

out there. You’d tell me if I stank, wouldn’t you?”

“Never,” Adalynn smirked. “What’s wrong with stench?”

Cassia pretended to gag. “I hope you would tell me.”

“You don’t stink.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. Now come dance with me.”

Adalynn held out her hand again and this time Cassia took

it. Their fingers met and twisted together easily, with a