of them were arching into each other, their hips clashing, their

bodies straining, everything just heat and light and pleasure.

Adalynn had never felt anything so intense. She was amazed.

She felt broken, shifted, like her body had gone to another

time and place and come back not quite how it had been put

together just a few seconds before.

After their climaxes rocked them both, Adalynn recognized

the afterglow setting in. She was painfully aware that she was

afraid of sharing it with Cassia, and she hated herself for that.

She firmly told herself that in this, she wouldn’t be a coward.

So instead of trying to distance herself from Cassia, she shifted

her so that she was lying on her side, then draped her arm

around her and pulled her close, so tight that there was no

space between them. She pulled the blankets of her bed over

them, no longer caring that it had been messy and unmade.

She knew it was a dangerous thing to get so close to someone,

but she knew how stupid it was for her to be afraid of the thing

she wanted most. For tonight, at any rate, she wanted to have

this. She wanted to have it with Cassia. She wanted to be bold

and just enjoy their time together, enjoy her afterglow, enjoy

the softness and the sweetness and the warmth of Cassia as she

snuggled against her.

“What are you thinking about?” Cassia whispered,

snuggling in deeper against Adalynn, so that she could feel her

heartbeat thumping softly against the palm of her hand where

it rested. She breathed in against Cassia’s hair, savoring the

intimacy and the tenderness of the moment.

“I was thinking about what you said about never having a

sleepover before.”

Cassia froze. “You mean that?” she asked softly. “You want