years now?

Cassia’s eyes were like a burning brand as they swept over

Adalynn. They dropped to her toes, then slowly worked their

way back up. When Adalynn saw the heat in them, she let out

a long exhale, not of relief, but of sheer eagerness. She leaned

forward, her hand at Cassia’s shoulder, the other finding its

way to her hair again. She loved her hair, so silky and sensual

and fine, the strands like white gold in so many more ways

than just color. Their mouths met in hungry kisses as Cassia

swept her legs away from the floor and angled towards the

pillows, pulling Adalynn down with her.

“I need to taste you,” Cassia groaned. “Please, Adalynn.”

Her words were a wildfire burning Adalynn up. Cassia’s

hand hooked under Adalynn’s panties and pulled them down

her thighs. Adalynn helped her, twisting her legs and pushing

at the soaked fabric. Her heart brutalized her ribs and her

breaths punched out of her lungs as Cassia wriggled down,

guiding her legs apart. She never would have expected that

Cassia would be bold enough to do this, or that she would be

bold enough to let her.

She was open and exposed, but the fact that it was Cassia

seeing her that way was a thought that roared through her

body, sending her spiraling and spinning, chugging off

whatever rails she’d been on. This was new, unchartered

territory, and she was nervous and scared, even if she didn’t

want to show it.

Cassia’s hands curled around Adalynn’s thighs, and when

Adalynn turned her gaze down and watched Cassia taste her

for the first time, her hands tightened on the black wrought

iron headboard until she was practically strangling the thing.