them up with a harsh brutality that left her breathless, she grew

breathless for another reason entirely.

Her eyes fixed on Cassia’s smile and instantly she felt

calmer. More at peace. Then she looked around the table, and

the warm feeling growing in her quickly diminished when she

saw how the guys were looking at Cassia. Not as a friend or a

co-worker, but with the instant adoration that someone like

Cassia could produce, even against her will. She was beautiful

and they were soaking it up. Especially Jason. He was fixated

on her, and Adalynn didn’t like it. It was more than just


alousy. She didn’t want to put Cassia into an uncomfortable


Even though Adalynn knew Cassia could take care of

herself—she’d proved that by defying her father, who was a

powerful, dangerous man, then surviving in Vegas as an escort

for six months—Adalynn didn’t want her to have to fight her

battles by herself anymore. She felt responsible for bringing

Cassia to South Carolina. No, not just felt. She was

responsible. She’d make sure Cassia was protected. At the

very least, she could maybe prevent things from getting


When was the last time she’d had lunch with the men who

put in countless hours on her house to make it better? She

filmed them. Put them online, with their consent of course.

She benefited from their sweat and labor, but had she even

bothered really getting to know them? Cassia was bothering.

She was already part of the crew and she’d only been working

out there for a day and a half.

Adalynn felt chastened. Not scolded, but corrected, with all