already passed her own legacy. She’d been endlessly trying to

pay him back for his kindness, for how she felt that she’d

never been enough, but she’d also been punishing herself for

years. She was ready to see it and admit it, no matter how hard

that was.

She felt like a glass vase that had been on the shelf, lonely

and admired for years, but then a strong breeze had come and

upended it, sending it crashing to the floor, shattering into a

bunch of pieces. She was in pieces before Pierre died. They

both knew that. He’d loved her anyway, and that made it all

the worse for her. She’d been trying to pay him back for

something he didn’t want to be paid back for, even when he

was still living. She’d made her life a shrine to her mistakes

and past choices instead of moving forward and making new

choices and being real with herself and everyone else.

She was in pieces when she went to Vegas, and honestly, the

night she’d spent with Cassia felt like the first time anyone had

offered to take those bits and attempt to glue them back


She hadn’t resisted because it felt good. It felt so

wonderfully, incredibly good.

She certainly hadn’t tried to resist the night before. She’d

made the effort, and when Cassia had dispensed with her

protests, she’d given in with remarkable ease.

Adalynn felt like she’d been shaken hard, like all those

pieces of herself she’d hoped to glue together weren’t made

back into a vase, but ground into dust to be transformed into

something else entirely. She wasn’t freaking ready for that.

She was someone else on the inside, while on the outside, the

old exterior remained. No one could see the emotion, the