cried out, shattering against Adalynn, coming on her hand. She

could feel her walls clenching hard around Adalynn’s fingers

as the waves rocked through her. Her legs threatened to

collapse, but Adalynn pressed against her, trapping her

between herself and the wall again while Cassia moaned and

vibrated and rode out the waves that were sweeter, harder,

more wonderfully transcendent than anything she’d ever felt


She was carried away by the bliss of her climax when

something sharp and shrill broke through the haze of dazed


Adalynn curled away, leaving Cassia cold and vibrating and

still wanting more. Wanting to give, to touch, to reciprocate.

Adalynn reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She

checked the screen apologetically.

“I have to take this.”

Cassia gaped at her. “Now? You’re going to answer that


“It’s about my insurance. I’ve had to retool a couple things

as the house is being fixed up. I’ve been waiting for them to

call for a week. They’re terrible about getting back to people. I

really need to answer.”

“Right.” Cassia bent to snatch her jeans off the floor. They

were damp and half inside out.

It was quite an undignified thing, to just be given the best

climax of your life, then to have the person who gave it turn

away with their freaking cell phone like it was nothing to

answer a call about home insurance.

As she tugged on her jeans, she could hear Adalynn talking

to someone named Joe about deductibles and coverage. Either