resuming with a hard slam that kicked at her ribs like a horse

trying to break free of a pen it didn’t want to be in.

Adalynn slowly lifted her camera. She knew Cassia didn’t

want to be on video, but she couldn’t help but take a few

candid shots. She wouldn’t do anything with them. She’d

probably just delete them after. It was just that with the golden

sun high overhead bathing Cassia’s skin in its lush warmth, her

blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail, her cheeks flushed and

her face a mix of concentration from her work and carefree

bliss from the music pumping into her ears, she unequivocally

stole Adalynn’s breath. She wanted to capture the moment,

make it hers, make it last in the way that only a photo could.

“Looking good.” The deep masculine voice shattered the

moment and Adalyn lowered the lens as Cassia whipped


She pulled out her earbuds and gave a shy smile to the guy

who was standing behind her. He was young, somewhere

between twenty-two and twenty-five probably. Adalynn only

knew his name, Jason, and that he was local. He was fairly

quiet, sticking to his work as part of the construction crew

most of the time. She wouldn’t say he was a hard worker—he

liked to take breaks whenever he could, but so did the other

guys, and it was hot outside. When they did work, they got a

lot done, so Adalynn never had any cause for complaint.

“Jason.” He stuck out his hand and Cassia didn’t hesitate.

She shifted the paint scraper into her left hand and offered her



“I’ve seen you around, but I was always too shy to come up

and say hi.” Jason had a ruddy complexion with short,