Dani’s. She wanted to get closer. To lean into her and absorb

her body heat. What would it be like to set her head on Dani’s

shoulder, to lean forward and inhale the lovely vanilla scent at

the base of her neck?

“But you…” Dani pr


“I don’t know. I’m just sorry for it, that’s all. It’s terrible

being lonely in a city this size. It’s bad enough when you’re

naturally alone but being alone when you’re surrounded by

people all the time, that’s hard.”

Dani surprised her with a soft smile. “It’s not like that.” She

toed the sand harder, sending a little spray of the white grains

up into the air. “I just grew up different than you. It was lonely

and hard too. I guess I’m used to it. I’ve been by myself for a

long time.”

Emily heard what Dani wasn’t saying. At least she thought

she heard. Maybe she was wrong. It sounded like Dani was

keeping people at a distance on purpose. It hurt Emily to think

that when Dani was so vibrant. She had the same kind of

energy her shop did. A good energy. Emily could practically

feel it buzzing in the air between them.

“You deserve to be happy.” On impulse, Emily lifted her

hand and caught a flyaway strand of raven black hair between

her fingers. It was soft. So exquisitely soft. She tucked it

behind Dani’s ear. “Everyone does. I really believe that.”

Dani still didn’t pull away. It was like she was caught up in

whatever spell was knitting them together. Whatever it was

that was happening between them. Emily couldn’t believe

what she’d just done, and she snatched her hand back. She

tucked them both firmly under her legs so that she wouldn’t be