straight ahead. “I think you will.”

“What about you?”

Dani scoffed. “I’m more of a loner. I’ve always been that

way. I don’t do love. Love is ridiculous. I think it’s old

fashioned. I’m not sure it’s even real. I think people just like to

talk about it because everyone is obsessed with the notion of

chasing it.”

“So, you think that’s all anyone can ever do? Chase it and

never catch it?”

Dani sighed. She sounded tired all of a sudden. “I think

there are a lot of lonely people out there.”

Emily realized she should have thought about it before she

did it, but she reached over from her towel and set her hand on

the edge of Dani’s. Dani froze, but she didn’t move her hand

away. With unnatural and painful slowness, Emily let her

fingers inch over, closing the distance between them. Dani’s

hand was warm, her skin golden. Emily looked at her hand, set

on top of Dani’s. The ring was missing. She’d taken it off.

Emily couldn’t help the tide of disappointment that crashed

over her. Even if it was irrational, it still hurt.

“I’m sorry that you’re lonely,” Emily whispered.

Dani turned sharply, her eyes wide and searching. Emily

didn’t look away, even though Dani’s gaze was so intense.

“Why are you sorry?” Dani asked softly. “It’s not your fault.”

“Yes, but I…” Emily couldn’t put into words what she

wanted to say.

She cocked her head and studied Dani. Dani didn’t look

away. She didn’t break eye contact. Her eyes were so lovely.

Emily wished she had more time. More time like this. She felt

an unexpected longing flood her chest. Her hand was still on