“It’s not that late.”


“Well, you suggested it,” Emily said, and giggled. She

stretched her arms overhead, then bent her elbows and

dextrously worked at the kinks in her back and neck. “I could

use a good beach trip. I’ve been bent over for too long today.”

“I’d say so. You really could make this into a business if

you could paint like a machine every single day.”

“Oh. That’s the thing with being artistic. Sometimes you’re

inspired, other days you’re not and you just sit there for hours

trying to make things happen and they don’t. It’s very


“I see.”

“So.” Emily bounced up onto her toes again. “Are we still

going to the beach?”

“I guess if we leave now, we could make it.”

“Beaches in the dark are kind of awesome too.”

Since she had suggested it, Dani knew she couldn’t very

well come up with a list of reasons not to go. That would just

look strange. It would disappoint Emily, who was obviously

excited. Dani just couldn’t do that. She couldn’t mutter

something about having to work instead and lock herself in her

room. So, apparently, she was going to the beach. With no

bathing suit. They’d make it before dark, but they’d be driving

in the dark, which Dani was okay with. It would be a late night

and she had to get up early for the store.

“My car has a full tank of gas. I could take us,” Emily said.

“My treat.”

Dani figured they could talk about Emily’s budgeting and

her family problems later. While they were getting sand up