her fingers through the buffalo’s woolly hide.

Two others were of cactuses. It seemed that Emily had used

Dani’s plants as inspiration. They were cuter, also more


The sixth was of Mr. Pickles, but Emily had been kinder.

She’d erased a few years off him and added an extra spark to

his yellow-green eyes. He was sitting in the kitchen window,

the lace curtains behind him. Again it was also so real that

Dani had to stop herself from reaching out, expecting the cat’s

fur to be soft.

The last two paintings were of chickens. They were both

abstract, one in the container from the store, the other sitting

on the counter, also with the lace curtains, steaming away.

“These are, um, kind of…strange,” Dani choked out. “But

kind of awesome too. I love that they’re so random.” She

spun, noting the shy blush on Emily’s cheeks. With no makeup

on, Emily was even more beautiful. She looked young. So

sweet and innocent. It made something totally foreign in Dani

start to ache.

“I know. I was bored. I didn’t do very much deep thinking. I

kind of just sat down and churned them out.”

“I can’t believe you can do this many paintings in one day.”

“Well, they aren’t very big. The paint dries fast, so I don’t

really have to wait around for it. The realistic ones take longer,

but the others go fast.”

“I have art in my shop. You’ve seen it?”

“I did notice it,” Emily confessed, her cheeks flushing even

brighter. “I love that you do that. Give local artists a chance.”

Dani felt her face heating too. Her dark hair was natural,

and she didn’t have Emily’s pale complexion. She didn’t do