purr volume up a few notches.

“I probably could.” Emily rubbed two fingers along each of

her temples. “Yeah. I really could.”

“I promise no one starts biting after five.”

“You mean that the produce section isn’t actually filled with

flesh eating zombies?”

“Nope. Most of them stick to the meat department. It’s

juicier there.”

Emily laug

hed. She had a pretty laugh. But then she kept

going, and it deepened. Soon she was doubled over, slapping

at her knees and snort laughing. Danica found it amusing, but

when Emily lifted her head and there were tears of laughter

clinging to and starring her sandy lashes, Dani’s heart started

at all that sweet, innocent, sunshine-infused beauty.

“Right.” Dani stood, angling back to set the ancient cat

where he’d just been perched. “I guess we should go, then. It’s

common knowledge that the most zombies are out after ten. If

we hurry, we can make it there and back and not have to worry

about any department. I actually need chicken and tuna, maybe

some liver—”

“Liver!” Emily gagged. “Nasty!”

Dani huffed. There were many, many nights she would have

been happy to have anything at all to eat, even liver. She never

talked about that, and she wasn’t in the mood for a lecture.

“It’s not for me.” She settled on the truth. “It’s for him.” She

pointed at the cat. “All I need is milk and bananas. Maybe

some chocolate. You can never have too much chocolate.”

“What kind of chocolate?”

Dani grinned mischievously. “All kinds. Every kind.”