Maybe Dani was right about that, the first time they talked.

Emily had been offended, but maybe she’d taken the advice

the wrong way.

Both her parents looked up at the same time, their heads

cranking sharply to the left where she stood. Emily quickly

tucked both her hands behind her back. A storm of nerves

started brewing in her stomach.

“I was wondering if I could talk to you both about


Emily’s dad patted the spot on the couch beside him and

that made Emily feel bad. Her mom was in her usual high-

backed chair. She stared at Emily with more suspicion.

Emily took a seat, folding the skirt of the sundress she’d

been married in that morning underneath her legs, tucking it

down tightly. “I know that we’ve talked about this before.

About me and my art,” Emily stated. She knew it was a bad

start when her mom winced, and her dad looked like he

wanted to roll his eyes. She knew she had to go for it before

she lost them completely. They were going to be pissed, but

she’d better just get it done and over with. “I know you don’t

take me seriously and I want you to. I also know that you

don’t really see me. I’m tired of that. Of not standing up for

myself. I’m an adult now, and I made a decision this

morning.” Emily slowly produced her left hand.

Her parents gasped.

“You got married?” Sandra shrieked. “Are you kidding me?

To who? To who, Emily Radcliffe?”

“You don’t know her—

“Oh, dear lord,” Peter said. He slapped his hands on his

knees and smoothed his black pants down. Then up. Then