straight face. As in don’t smile.”

“But…yeah. Okay. I won’t smile.” She kept smiling.

Dani sighed. “Practice on me now.”

“Okay. Here’s my not smiling face.” It lasted for two

seconds before the grin was back.


“Well, what’s wrong with smiling? Most people are happy

when they get married!”

“I think it would help your cause if your parents could take

you seriously.”

“Even serious people smile.”

“Good gravy.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll try not to smile. I’ll talk to you later, then.

Thank you again.”

Before Dani could give Emily another lecture about

thanking her, Emily waved and sauntered off down the

sidewalk in the direction she’d parked. They’d arrived

separately to the courthouse for their eleven fifteen

appointment, so Dani turned and walked the other direction.

Of course, they’d parked in completely opposite areas. It was

like a metaphor for their two lives. Except, to make that

complete, they’d have to drive both cars and get into a head-on

collision. Yes, that would be far, far more accurate.

Dani suddenly wondered if Emily would be okay. She said

she would, but would she really? A guy running for senator

and an artist lady didn’t seem like the type to physically lash

out, but who knew? Suddenly, Dani felt bad about letting

Emily go off by herself, but what could she have done? If she

went with her, she would only have made things worse. Smiles

or not, Emily was a big girl, and she could take care of herself.