cards for me.”

Dani laughed before she could catch the sound and keep it

in. “Okay. Deal. I’ll do it when this is all over.”

“Before would have been better. Maybe I’d have some

insight into how this is supposed to go.”

“I’m not a fortune teller.”

“Right. Well, you have my number and I have yours, so I’ll

text you later and tell you how it went. If they want to meet

you or if another meeting is required, I’ll let you know.”

“But even if it’s not, you’re still paying me the five grand,


Emily rolled her eyes. “Yes.”

“Okay. Good luck, then.”

“Good luck with the store.”

Dani froze. “Why would you think I need luck with that?”

Emily faltered. Her hand grasped at her purse and played

nervously with the strap. “I guess that I just…is there

something else you would need the money for?”

Dani thought about lying or maybe just shrugging and

walking away. She would have done that with anyone else.

She knew she didn’t owe Emily any transparency. But she

found herself answering anyway. “The guy who owns the

building is going to double the rent in six months. So, every

bit helps.”

“But that’s…that shouldn’t be allowed!”

“I know, but it’s happening anyway.”

Emily’s face flushed and her eyes narrowed. She was

beautiful when she was angry too. In fact, Dani thought Emily

probably was always beautiful and that she’d always be

beautiful, no matter what age she got to be. Some women were