who we really are. We live fake lives with fake friends with

fake everything. We’re one of those token families who is

totally miserable. My brothers are both doctors and they hate

it. You’re an artist, but you only paint the things you think

people want to put on their walls, not things that mean

anything. I’ve seen the work you did when you were in your

twenties. It was amazing. Now it’s just soulless. Kind of like

this house and everything in it.”

“Emily Radcliffe, you will not say things like that about me

or your father or the life we’ve given you!”

“The double name twice in one conversation. Jesus. I must

really have hit on a sore spot.” Emily didn’t honestly have a

cruel bone in her. She was way too nice, and people had used

that against her more times than she cared to think about, but

at the moment, she wasn’t going to be swayed by the tears

glistening in her mom’s eyes. She wasn’t going to moderate

her language or take back what she said, even if it was biting

and bordered on petulant. It was still true.

Her mom blinked back tears. She swiped at her eyes and

when she removed her hands, her expression was thunderous.

“We’ve all worked very hard and made sacrifices. Your

brothers love what they do. They both wanted to be doctors.

Don’t put that on me or tell me that I forced them to pursue

that path. The only thing your dad and I did was pay for their

school. We’ve paid for yours too, so don’t throw it in my face

now. The agreement was that you’d be allowed to get your

degree in whatever you wanted, and you chose art. We weren’t

surprised. I am proud of your talent and your ability, but let me

tell you, it’s harder than you think out there and I want you to

have a stable job with a stable income. We want you to be able