that went. Emily didn’t actually know what the process was. If

Dani told Sandra that she read tarot cards, that might even be

enough to get her parents to agree to whatever she wanted as

long as she got an annulment and went back to being the

silent, dutiful, invisible daughter.

“Alright.” Dani crossed her arms and put on her business

face. She wasn’t smiling. She was totally stoic. She looked

like she should be smoking a cigar, wearing shades, and

playing a high stakes game of cards. “I’ll do it for five grand,

but just three appearances that are no longer than ten minutes

each. That’s all I’m agreeing to. Any more than that and I want

more money. I don’t care if you have to pay me later, I know

you’ll find a way to come up with it. I’ll keep a running total

of what you owe me, and you will sign off on it, otherwise I’ll

take you to small claims court or something. Does that work?

Oh, and one more thing. You pay for the wedding, and you

find the witnesses. It better just be a justice of the peace thing

and it better not take more than half an hour.”

Emily couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was she

actually about to do this? Her throat was suddenly so dry she

could barely swallow. Her stomach felt pinched. She had to

take slow, deep breaths to keep calm. She realized her palms

were leaving damp marks on her jeans again and wiped them

up and down the denim.

She couldn’t bring herself to say the words, couldn’t get a

thing out one way or the other, so she just extended her hand

across the table.

Dani shook it without hesitation.

Chapter 6
