put in a word for you. Don’t settle things down until you see

results. Get actual calls and talk to real people. Don’t settle for

vague promises.”

“Wow. You’re really good at this.”

Dani had on the deepest shade of red lipstick Emily had

ever seen. She could never have pulled off a color like that, but

on Dani…it made Emily want to remember every detail of

those lips so that she could paint them later, down to the exact

right red. She even noted the lighting in the room.

Because that was the only reason she wanted to capture

Dani’s lips. The fact that they were aesthetically pleasing.

“Better yet, get your mom to give you some space in her


Emily sat up just a tad straighter. A tingle of shock coursed

through her. “How do you know about her show?”

Dani seemed amused by that, not embarrassed. “I got your

number, didn’t I?”

“How did you get it?”

“Emily. Your dad is running for senate. His name is

everywhere. People know what a senator’s family looks like.

After what you told me about yourself, it wasn’t hard to find

out who your dad was and what your last name was. When I

had that, I had someone do some digging for me. Not scary

digging. Just to get your number. But when I found out what

your name was, I also looked up your mom and her upcoming

show was all over the internet.”

“The show isn’t for weeks yet.”

“Lots of time to let you get a few pieces together for it,


Emily couldn’t ignore the nasty feeling in her stomach.