Emily walked quickly through the halls. The first exit took her

outside and a powerwalk across campus brought her straight to

the student parking lot. Thirty minutes later, since, fortunately,

traffic was light, she was in the French Quarter. She parked at

the first spot she could find that was decently close to the shop

where she’d gone for the reading that wasn’t a reading with

the girl who was both alarmingly beautiful in her own unique

way and alarmingly rude in her own unique way.

Yes, it was possible to be uniquely rude. Telling a stranger


ow they should and shouldn’t live their life in a very

opinionated way with a brusque tone and an unyielding

expression was a new kind of experience Emily didn’t want to

repeat. It wasn’t that Danica, or Dani, or whatever her name

was, acted holier than thou. It was more like…being stared

straight through. While Emily was used to that, she wasn’t

used to being turned inside out and having her private hurts

picked apart like they were nothing. Like she had no right to

feel the way she did about something this Dani person knew

nothing about.

Just because Emily’s problems weren’t Dani’s problems

didn’t give Dani the right to say they weren’t important. It

didn’t give her the right to tell Emily to cultivate gratitude in

less than nice terms.

God, why am I even doing this? Why am I heading to her

shop right now? This is probably some terrible joke. She

probably has a camera hidden this time and later she’s going

to post this online just to get views. I’m doing this to myself.

Walking straight into a shit storm. Why? Oh right. because I’m

totally freaking desperate.