parents, I couldn’t eat either. My cookies are still out in the


“Why don’t you get them while I make some tea?” Dani

suggested, grinning. “We can’t possibly find out what the

future holds if neither of us ever eats.”

“Well, unless we finally ask the tarot cards,” Emily pointed

out, smiling at her.

Dani couldn’t believe she’d ever been annoyed by Emily

smiling. Now she was smiling too. Just as big and wide. She

was happy, and she was going to continue to allow herself to

be. She was going to choose happiness.

“Yes,” she whispered raggedly, brokenly, deliriously happy.

“Yes. That sounds wonderful. I’ll also get out my deck.”



Dani checked the store one more time to make sure

everything was perfect. Okay, it wasn’t perfect by perfect

standards, but it was perfect for them. The store was half her

place, half an art gallery. Usually, the space proudly displayed

and sold works by many different artists. They’d featured

shows over the past two years since they’d turned the building

into something that was uniquely theirs.

Last night was Emily’s first solo show. All her work had

sold, and she had calls and emails coming in long after the

show and into the morning. They would probably keep

trickling in for days or even weeks. Emily would have enough

work to keep her busy for months.

After graduating with her art degree, Emily had been doing

art full time. She was thinking about going back for her

masters, but with everything they were doing, getting the store