and hers alone. She lived upstairs in a tiny apartment, and it

made the entire building feel like the home she’d never had.

The shop was everything to her. Everything she had to show

for the passage of time that just creeps up on a person. Except

that for her, time had never crept. Those years between ten and

eighteen, when she’d aged out of the system, were the longest

of her life. She would have loved for them to fly past, but

unfortunately they crawled like a slug, leaving a trail of slime

wherever they went.

“I’m sorry, are you okay?”

Dani started. “What?” She’d been so lost in her thoughts

that she forgot Summer was sitting right across from her,

which was silly, given that the thoughts included her, at least

in speculation. “Yeah.” Dani nodded. She indicated the deck.

“Should we start, or do you have any other questions?” She

was thinking a three-card spread. Not only would it be easy,

but it would also be something Summer could easily handle.

She felt bad about stacking the deck and quickly reached for

it, shuffling it thoroughly so that the cards that looked scary at

face value went away. She did this because she loved it.

Because she truly felt there was value in it. Because it was the

one thing that had always given a meaningless life meaning,

had gotten her through the worst of it, had marked out life for

being something more than merely an existence. She shouldn’t

have stacked the deck like that. It was wrong and she knew it.

“Yeah.” Summer leaned her arms on the table. She stared

Dani down so intently that Dani actually shifted in her seat,

and she never did things like that. She’d been stared down and

worse, much, much worse, over the years, and nearly nothing

could ruffle her prickly feathers. “I do have one more