Emily cleared her throat, which was thick and sticky with

emotion. “I want to finish my art degree,” she said, “if you’ll

let me. I have no way to pay for it on my own and I know that.

If you don’t want to continue paying for the schooling, then

I’ll go get a job and I’ll take a class here and there in the

evenings, as I can afford it, and I’ll finish, even if it takes me a

few years. I’ll build up my art career because I do want it. I

love painting. It gives me greater joy than almost anything I’ve

ever known.” Emily thought of Dani when she said the word

almost. Before, painting would have been hands down the

greatest joy in her life. Now, she knew that other joys were

possible. “Dad, if you still want to keep that building, and you

still want it to be in my name, I’d like to sit down with you

and come up with a business plan. I think Dani’s store can do a

lot better with other improvements and someone to invest a

little bit of money in it to make that happen. I think that with

the money from her leasing the building, I could possibly

afford another property to invest in within a few years. That

would generate more revenue, and then maybe I could buy

another. I know that was your intention when you put the

building in my name. It wasn’t to rub it in Dani’s face that I

was above her. It was to give me that independence and to

have something to fall back on when or if my art business was

slow or didn’t work out.”

Peter simply nodded. Emily had never seen her dad overly

emotional before, but there was clear love and pride shining in

his eyes. It made her throat even thicker, but she forced herself

to keep going.

“Dani has a section of her store where she puts up art from

local artists. I think we could really grow that. I could put my