“He knew I couldn’t lose the shop, but even when I said I

wouldn’t take his money, he got me where he knew he could.

He told me that if I didn’t convince you to come home, and

that meant breaking it off and not seeing you again, they’d cut

you off completely. I know what it’s like to struggle, Em. I

know what it’s like to have nothing. To never be able to get

ahead. I don’t want that for you. I couldn’t be the one to take

that from you when you have everything. He said that you

wouldn’t be able to finish your degree. You wouldn’t have any

support from them. They’d cut you off completely. I know art

is your everything. It’s the one thing you’ve dreamed of.

You’re amazing at it. You were willing to get fake married for

it. I couldn’t do that to you. I do care about you. Everything

you said is true. I feel that way too, but sometimes that doesn’t

matter. I couldn’t say that I cared about you and then steal

everything from you that you’ve ever wanted.”

Emily released Dani’s hands, only to pull her into her arms.

She wrapped them tightly around her, nuzzling her head into

her shoulder, inhaling the sweet fragrance of her skin and hair.

She pressed tightly against her, until she could feel the heat of

her body, the beat of her heart. Until she could feel the wet of

her tears.

“I wish you had let me choose.” Emily stroked her hand

down Dani’s hair. “I am going to choose. You’re not taking

anything away from me. This is absurd. I’ll fix this.”

“There’s more,” Dani sobbed. “He offered to buy me a

building. He’s already bought it and put it in your name.

You’re my landlord. I signed the papers, Emily. I can’t go back

on it now.”

Emily was stunned, but she didn’t let Dani go. She kept her