most sense, but because she couldn’t bear not being able to

save Emily from a world Dani knew could be beyond cruel.

Chapter 19


The kitchen was strewn with mixing bowls and measuring

cups. Emily had thought baking a batch of chocolate chip

cookies would be easy. She’d had success with the chicken

casserole, so how much harder could baking be? She’d

checked the cupboards and the small pantry before she started

to make sure that she had everything. Halfway through, Emily

found out that mixing batter was hard. Her hand hurt, there

was flour everywhere, sugar spilled on the floor, and she’d

accidentally dropped an egg into the sink and hadn’t cleaned it

up yet.

She hurried to finish, hoping she could get done before Dani

was back. The night before, she’d acted…strange. She didn’t

know her all that well, but she could tell something wasn’t

right. Emily had gotten home from class later than normal,

figuring Dani would already be back, but she wasn’t. When

she did come in, she said she wasn’t feeling well. She’d

claimed she had a headache, but she hadn’t taken anything for

it that Emily saw.

Dani locked herself in the bathroom for a shower, then came

out and went right to her room. She’d closed the door and she

hadn’t come out, not even to eat anything. Emily spent the

night on the couch, feeling cold even though it was fairly

warm in the place, and lonelier than she’d been in a long time.

She’d wanted to corner Dani before she left for work, but

she was already gone when Emily woke up.

It had bothered Emily all day. She’d hardly been able to