painted a dark purple.

There were two lamps in the room, one in the back left

corner and one in the front right. Both were purple and shaped

like flowers, with three heads that lit up. They were a guilty

purchase, as they’d cost a fortune, but Dani had to have them,

and they looked amazing in the room. They didn’t mess with

the mood but gave off enough light to make the cards easily

readable. Other than that, there was only a small round table in

there with two chairs. Dani covered the table in a rich purple

satin tablecloth, thinking it gave the place fortune teller vibes.

She didn’t believe in that, but customers liked it, and she had

to pander to what they wanted, unfortunately.

Summer sat, her back to Dani. She had a slight build, so

slight that she looked delicate to Dani, just sitting there all

alone. She had the strangest urge to wrap an arm around that

girl’s shoulders and draw her to her. It was strange indeed, not

just because she’d get a harassment suit slapped on her, but

because Dani hated touching people. She hated being touched

even more.

A little unnerved by the crazy impulses, which had to be a

result of her brain misfiring, she slipped into the room and

took the chair across from Summer. The girl raised her

cornflower eyes to meet Dani’s, and Dani was again struck by

all that simple freshness. She inhaled deeply, expecting to

smell laundry on t

he clotheslines or a cottage by the sea,

something wholesome, but she only smelled the sharp, spicy

fragrance of the incense.

“B-before we start,” Summer said, her bottom lip trembling

just a little, “can I ask you something?”