and her stomach clenched with fear. She knew she didn’t have

to be afraid. It wasn’t like Emily’s dad was going to murder

her or anything. Still. The hairs at the nape of her neck stood

up and her skin prickled. Something wasn’t right. She didn’t

want to be locked in the same space with this man.

She thought about ordering him to leave. Just pointing to the

door, or walking past him, opening it, and demanding he get

out. She could also just walk past him and walk away herself.

He didn’t seem like the kind who would put out a hand to stop


Dani stood exactly where she was. She wanted to know why

he was there. He could have called. He should have called

Emily. He should want to talk to his daughter. Instead, he was

there to see Dani.

Radcliffe looked around again, and when his eyes landed

back on Dani, she could tell he was ready to get down to

business. He had the shrewd look on his face of a man who

was confident in getting what he wanted. “I had someone do

some digging. Nothing illegal, just the stuff that’s available for

anyone to find.”

Dani didn’t like that, but she kept a straight face. “Someone

on your PR team, I imagine.” Someone looking for a way to

undo all the things Radcliffe wished his daughter had never


Radcliffe didn’t bother denying it. He just went on. “I know

all about your little shop here. I know you’re barely making

ends meet. I know how long you’ve been in business. I know

what you’re currently paying for rent and taxes. And what

you’re going to be paying. That’s right. I know all about that

rental increase coming down the pipe for you. I imagine it’s