afford for things to get messy.

For Emily, it had. Maybe it had for Dani too. Emily knew

Dani felt what she did, that spark, that connection, that crazy

and unexpected magic, whatever it was that drew them to each

other and shook the very foundations of each other’s lives

when they were together, but could she convince Dani that it

was real? Could she convince her to hang onto what they’d

found, to fight for it, to want to continue even past the

agreement’s end date, in whatever capacity that meant?

Suddenly, Emily felt like she was suffocating, even though

there was plenty of air in the car. Dani was tough, but

underneath that exterior, she was soft and fragile and good. If

Emily did something, even inadvertently, to hurt her, she

would never forgive herself. She had to be careful. The

agreement becoming more complicated because feelings and

attraction and magic were involved wasn’t a bad thing, but it

did make things harder.

Emily was willing to stay. To fight. To give what they had a

chance. But was Danica?

Chapter 18


Dani was just about ready to close. Generally, she locked the

door, turned off the sign, then did her cash register, taking out

the money for the day’s deposit and balancing the float for the

start of the next day ahead of time. She didn’t have a

traditional debit machine in order to save money, but had one

that connected to the tablet she used for a register. Everything

was electronic so she didn’t have to worry about that.

As she walked over to the door to slip the lock into place,

she thought about how eager she was to head upstairs to her