would feel about making a commitment to a relationship with

her, but she was sure she felt it too.

“Maybe we should go eat dinner before it’s stone cold,”

Emily said, because it was the safest thing to talk about.

Dani shifted away just a little, then she sm

iled, and Emily

could see how her eyes lit up. She’d never seen them that way

before. Dani actually looked happy. She didn’t look guarded or

closed off. She looked radiant. She must have realized it too,

because slowly, the shutters clicked into place. She didn’t pull

away, but Emily felt the moment dimming. She wanted it

back, but she could only hope they could keep moving


“Okay,” Dani said, her voice softer than Emily had ever

heard it. “But we could always warm it up too.”

Emily startled. She stared at Dani in surprise. She thought

Dani would see her offer as an out. That she’d do anything to

make sure whatever was developing between them got the

brakes and got it hard and fast.

“You mean? Like warm it up because you want to stay


“Just for a few more minutes.”

“Okay.” Emily couldn’t keep the massive, silly grin off her

face. “Just for a few though?”

Dani swung her leg over Emily’s and in one athletic, swift

movement, she was back on top, staring down into Emily’s

face. “Maybe more than a few,” she said without losing her

smile at all. It made Emily’s head spin.

“I’m good with just a few too.” She wasn’t sure if she meant

just a few minutes, or just a few hours, days, weeks, months.