magic. Because she was. She was pure, utter magic. She’d

come into Dani’s life like a summer day full of mystery and

sunshine, maybe just enough rain to make a dazzling rainbow.

She was a spectacular sunrise. She was a sunset too, and

kissing on the beach while watching the majesty of it streaking

across the sky.

Dani couldn’t even get halfway to believing that this wasn’t

different than anything she’d ever experienced before. She

couldn’t make herself stop. She couldn’t even make herself

believe she wanted to stop, no matter how many cautionary

words echoed in her head.

Neither of them turned on any music. Emily’s hand rested

gently on Dani’s shoulder and Dani set her hand so gently on

Emily’s hip that it was almost as if she wasn’t touching her at

all. The

re still wasn’t any music when Emily started to sway.

Dani, feeling more out of control than she ever had, let Emily

pull her further and further into her wonderful, magical

magnetic field.

“Did you watch the news today?” Dani didn’t want to ask,

but she felt she had to. She hadn’t forgotten about that sleazy


“No,” Emily breathed. “Did you?”


“Look at any magazines or newspapers?”

Dani shook her head. “Did you go on your phone?”

“Definitely not.”

Emily kept her hands twined behind Dani’s neck. What was

that old saying about dancing leading to more? They swayed

softly together, to absolutely no sound at all except the beating