as good, and something was going on with her eyes. It felt like

there was dust filling up the room, a big storm of it, and she’d

foolishly turned her face right into it.

“Something else I’ve always wanted to do, but never

have…” Emily pushed her chair back from the table and

offered her hand. Dani stared at it incredulously.

“Uh, what’s that?”

“Dance!” Emily announced. “I found all the music channels

on the TV. There’s a lot of selection on there. You know. If

you ever turn the volume on.”

Dani knew it was crazy. She most certainly was not going to

dance with Emily in her kitchen. It would be weird. Silly. Way

too sappy romantic. Cheesier than that chicken and cheese


But even as she thought of all the reasons why she

wouldn’t, Dani found herself setting down her fork and

scraping back her chair. She found herself slowly standing up,

despite her internal lecture as to why dancing was such a bad

idea, and not just because it would be utterly humiliating

because she probably hadn’t danced to anything, anywhere,

with another person in her entire life. No, she most certainly

would not dance. She would not get any closer to Emily. She

would not break any more of her own hard and fast rules. She

wouldn’t cast out any more strings, for once hoping for the

connection she’d never had before.

She wouldn’t.

But she found herself slipping her palm into Emily’s warm,

soft one. She felt her fingers wrap around and twine with


Dani couldn’t pretend this wasn’t magic. That Emily wasn’t