Dani couldn’t take it. She knew she should stop because

things had already gone too far, but she couldn’t. She crawled

up the couch, holding herself away from Emily, giving her

time to recover. She loomed over her and kissed her hard.

Emily groaned into the kiss and fisted her fingers in Dani’s

hair. She whimpered when she slid her tongue into Dani’s

mouth and tasted the earthy, sweet taste of herself on Dani’s


Her hands slid down Dani’s back, pulling her down. Her

hips rose up eagerly and her knees parted, giving Dani space

to settle there. When she did, Emily locked her legs around

Dani’s waist.

Dani couldn’t take it. She was going to go insane from the

level of her own need. Her entire body was thrumming with

desire. She wrenched away but pulled Emily with her. Emily

was petite, and Dani was able to lift her quite easily after she’d

yanked her to standing. Emily helped her, leaping into her

arms and locking her legs around her waist. She kissed Dani

feverishly while she steered them out of the living room,

towards the bedroom.

They crashed through the door, literally, because Dani was

so wrapped up in the kiss that she missed the handle, fumbled

with it, and still got the door to open, but it swung back and hit

her shoulder. She giggled into the kiss. Giggling wasn’t her

MO, but it felt right.

All of this felt frighteningly right.

She didn’t turn on the light. There was a small window with

a gauzy curtain over it, up high enough that she hadn’t

bothered with blinds. It was facing away from the street, but

the glow of the French Quarter filtered in, golden and watered